Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Update & my super cute nephew!!

Wow, it's been a long time since I've updated anything here.  While I might have been quiet on the blogging front I have been busy crocheting and knitting.  Over the summer I mostly worked on quick knitted dishcloths.  I kept most of them for myself and used my favorite pattern found HERE.

My sister had her second child in August and asked me to make some cute hats and picture props for him.

I purchased the patterns for the bear hat and diaper cover and the pea pod at Etsy... I don't remember the shops at the moment but hopefully can find them and update with the links soon.


Anonymous said...

Anne Geddy has nothing on you! So adorable! Work well done!

Anonymous said...

LOL ~ Thank you Cathy. The Crochet is my work but the photography is my sisters gift.

SisterTipster said...

Such a cutie~love the ideas...hey, where is that pattern for the dishcloths~I use crocheted ones...when I clicked it gave me nothing! Thanks!

Anonymous said...

This is so adorable...especially the sweet pea blanket :)


Annemarie's Haakblog said...

This is really cute!!!

Marsha Cooper said...

those are both so very adorable! I wonder if my pregnant daughter would like either of those made for the new baby...she's not due until June so I would have a while to make them.

Lisa said...

WOW! You are talented - just so cute.